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A plea for an immediate restoration of peace to Lebanon and the entire region.

During the past two weeks, the situation in Lebanon has been particularly fraught with danger. The great loss of innocent lives, the displacement of large civilian populations and the obliteration of essential infrastructure have made daily life almost untenable for those caught in the midst of ever escalating hostilities.


The situation must be brought under control lest Lebanon descends into irreversible chaos. It is painfully ironic that Lebanon was amongst the founding states of the United Nations Organisation and was one of the early signatories to the Charter on 26 June 1945.


Australians have long enjoyed an international reputation as a compassionate, empathetic and generous people. We can but urge our Federal Government as a respected voice in the United Nations to do all possible to bring about a cessation of hostilities.


We make an urgent appeal to the United Nations to do whatever is necessary to preserve the territorial integrity of Lebanon and to prevent any future incursions by any nation. If that cannot be done, what is the raison d'être of the United Nations Organisation.


In two days, we will mark the first anniversary of the tragic events of 7 October 2023. We urge all those who hold in their hands the fate of the nations and their peoples to bring us to the end of this ongoing disaster before that unhappy memorial. What is to be achieved by compounding the appalling events of twelve months ago with equally appalling events in the present.


We urge our families and friends in Lebanon, and indeed the entire region, and of whatever ethnic or faith community, to remain steadfast in hope. St Paul writing to the Romans speaks to us at this critical time, “As we live in the midst of this fallen world, we have to have a hope about the future, and that hope has to be so strong that it becomes an anchor for us.” (Rom 8:23-25)


We must note the great courage and kindness shown by so many who have welcomed the displaced, the fearful, the hungry and the injured. From their goodness and love which asks nothing in return, the agape of the Gospel, may there come the promise of a better future. 


The Psalmist reminds us, “Put not your trust in the powerful, in mortals who cannot save you.” (Ps 146:3) Hence, we urge all the Faithful of our several Churches, Catholic and Orthodox, to storm Heaven with urgent prayers for our brethren in Lebanon, who are now in the midst of great uncertainty and disorder. Now is the time for prayer. Let it be a time for prayer. Pray for the injured, for those who have died, and for the consolation of the bereaved.                                                                                                                                                                                           

The leaders of the international community, watchful for the stability and wellbeing of their own nations, should also be watchful for the stability and wellbeing of Lebanon and the whole Middle East region.  


Robert Rabbat, DD

President of Australasian-Middle East Christian Apostolic Churches (AMEC)



AMEC members

Melkite Catholic Church

Chaldean Catholic Church

Maronite Catholic Church

Antiochian Orthodox Church

Syrian Orthodox Church

Ancient Church of the East

Coptic Orthodox Church, NSW

Armenian Apostolic Church

Armenian Catholic Church    

Syriac Catholic Church

Coptic Catholic Church


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